Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Burn It Down

I don't post much.  I don't talk much.  There's really no reason to.  But this is beginning to really get under my skin.  All these people saying 'never again', and when it's happening, they'll keep saying it.  Saying it isn't the same as doing something about it.  It's talking the talk but not walking the walk.  It's not stopping anything.

I mean, sure, it's nice someone video'd ICE in plainclothes accosting someone outside the courthouse, and oh, it's sweet that the mayor's all 'they're not allowed to do that, we don't support it'.  Well, know what's better?  Stopping ICE from taking the poor woman.  Putting out an APB for the people who did it.  Punching some ICE asshole in the face and helping the woman get away.

And oh, the people in cages.  How everyone feels bad for them - but not so bad as to storm the fucking place and get them out of there.  No, instead, why not do a raid on Area 51?  That's so much more important!  How dare they hide information about aliens on us.

Look, I can get that not everyone can go across the country at the drop of a hat.  But seriously, if that ICE shit's happening on your front porch and you see it, do something about it.  And yeah, I'm well aware some ICE shit threatened to shoot someone who asked about their warrant.  And if I was the person threatened?  I'd go and let the fucker shoot me  -  because then you've got that in the fucking news.  "ICE officer shoots civilian for asking for warrant."  Or of you get 30 people and raid the ICE cages and ICE opens fire?  There's a stink and a half.  It might even possibly snowball into something worthwhile.

But I'm not holding my fucking breath.  Too many people are willing to wring their hands, and there's not enough people who're willing to do something about it.  Here in Ontario, there was an incident very much like ICE that went on.  And these shits don't have anyone above them to hold them accountable.  But if I saw that shit being pulled on the street in front of me, I'd be more than willing to deck the assholes.  They're breaking the law.  Let's see what happens when you arrest them.

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